4 Little Health Secrets Every Woman Should Know

4 Little Health Secrets Every Woman Should Know

Women Health

Women of all ages deserve to live healthier lives. Having a long and healthy life is greatly influenced by the choices that we make. Being healthy is a way for women to empower themselves with the knowledge about the body’s health and well-being.

Depending on your age, whether you are in your teens, late twenties and especially in your forties, there are different stages ways that you need to take care of your health as women. During teen years when your period starts, you’ll experience a lot of changes in your body as it prepares you for adolescence. In your reproductive years, your choice of starting a family can expand your health concerns. The most significant physical transformation in a woman’s life is in her forties when menopause occurs.

As you go through these stages, it is important to know how to properly take care of yourself and meet your health’s needs. Here are 4 health secrets that you can help you get through each transition of your life:

Eating healthy

Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Follow the rule of fours and purchase at least 4 different colors or kinds of fruits and vegetables. But no more than 4 boxes of packaged and processed foods, such as biscuits.

Have at least one drink per day especially after work. It helps release stress. However, by one drink, this means only 340ml of beer or 150ml of wine. Wine is a healthier option because it helps keeps your heart healthy but beer also has its benefits. Some studies show that beer helps reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes if consumed in moderation.


It’s important for women to flatten the stomach. Go for cardio exercises instead of crunches. Exercising the abs doesn’t actually burn fat unless it is done for six hours straight. Don’t lose too much weight. If you go below 1,200 calories per day, it can slow down your metabolism for the years to come. Exercise also reduces the risk of getting breast cancer.

Know your period

We all have different cycles. Determine what is normal for you and what’s not. It’s one of the best indicators of your overall health. If you miss one period, start to experience spotting or if your period is lighter or heavier than usual, it could be a sign. It could either be you’re experiencing too much stress or it can indicate problems such as cysts, diabetes or fibroids.

Breast checks

This is very important for women of all ages. Perform breast checks regularly and talk to your doctor if you think something is wrong. For women in their forties, schedule a mammogram at least once a month.

So there you have it. Try to watch what you eat, exercise, take care of your reproductive health and look out for breast cancer to stay in good condition.